All Art | Craft Groups in Sandy Bay

The following is a comprehensive list of generally non-for-profit Art | Craft Group related activities available to the Public for their Enjoyment, Self Improvement & Social Involvement. The Category of Art | Craft Groups incorporates the venues and organisations facilitating its discipline, including any non-for-profit Artistic, Performing Arts & Craft Groups involved with Drawing, Painting, Spinning, Fabric Dying, Weaving, Needlework, Knitting, Ceramics, Pottery, Mosaics, Quilting, Woodwork, Metalwork, Sculpture, Photography, Film, or any other form of artistic endeavour.
Art | Craft Groups are a Sub Category of Community Groups.


Tasmanian Movie Makers Video & Film Club – 248 Churchill Ave, Sandy Bay, TAS


Handweavers, Spinners & Dyers Guild of Tasmania Inc – 38 View St, Sandy Bay, TAS