All OH&S | Occupational Therapy in Kingston Beach

The following is a comprehensive list of OH&S | Occupational Therapy services, that are available to the Public, Business, Industry & Organisations for their Aid & Convenience. The Category of OH&S | Occupational Therapy incorporates the specialised organisations ensuring the compliance of workplaces & industry to the legislation which is designed to maintain the health, safety, welfare & well-being of all who are engaged in work or employment, whilst the profession of occupational therapy assists those that are injured, mentally or physically, which may include the training in the use of prosthetics, relearning life skills, etc., with the aim to enable them to engage or re-engage in a lifestyle, ideally within a just & inclusive society, that nurtures them to participate to their highest potential…
OH&S | Occupational Therapy is a Sub Category of Allied Health & Wellbeing.

Julie Grierson – 30 Roslyn St, Kingston Beach, TAS