All Acupuncture in St Kilda

The following is a comprehensive list of Acupuncture services, that are available to the Public, Business, Industry & Organisations for their Aid & Convenience. The Category of Acupuncture incorporates the specialised organisations & personnel experienced in the ancient practice of acupuncture which can be described as the practice of inserting ultra thin, sharp needles into the body at very specific acupuncture points thereby adjusting & altering the body’s energy flow back into healthier patterns resulting in reducing pain or inducing anesthesia.  Acupuncture is used to treat a wide variety of illnesses, health conditions, pain management, etc.
Acupuncture | Naturopath is a Sub Category of Allied Health & Wellbeing.

Dr Jacob Rich – 37 Mitford St, St Kilda, Melbourne, VIC

George Dellas – 269 Inkerman St, St Kilda, Melbourne, VIC

Lucy Leviska – 37 Milford St, St Kilda, Melbourne, VIC

Michelle Leber – 88 Alma Rd, St Kilda, Melbourne, VIC

Pain-Free Acupuncture – 22 Alma St, St Kilda, Melbourne, VIC

St Kilda Acupuncture Centre – 77 Carlisle St, St Kilda, Melbourne, VIC