All Property | Strata | Timeshare in Melbourne

Property / Strata Management IconThe following is a comprehensive list of Property | Strata | Timeshare services, that are available to the Public, Business, Industry & Organisations for their Aid & Convenience. The Category of Property | Strata | Timeshare incorporates the specialised organisations offering property, facility, strata, timeshare, etc. management services comprising of – Real Estate agent & Property Management services including property sales, marketing, auctioning, commercial & domestic leasing of properties, management of residential & commercial estates, retirement villages, facilities management, etc., – Owners Corporation management services, also referred to as body corporate or strata managers, include the management of common property shared by 3 or more property owners – Timeshare agent & management which essentially real estate held by a number of owners who generally jointly share the investment into the property as well as running costs, which in turn entitles them to share the right to occupy the said unit of real estate for a specified number of time periods per annum, noting that timeshare allocations may be swapped between properties by mutual agreement.
Property | Strata | Timeshare is a Sub Category of Business Services.

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