All Site | Shipwreck
The following is a comprehensive list of Site | Shipwreck available to the Public for their Interest, Exploration, Research, Knowledge & Appreciation, noting that where are number of categories or time-frames are relevant, the first function &/or moment in time will be allocated to the heading and the default category. The Category of Site | Shipwreck indicates the approximate sites of the many shipwrecks that occurred along Australia’s shores – many of which were due to bad weather, fog, horrendous storms, inexperienced captains & crews, yet uncharted waters, etc., as well as the many beautiful sailing ships, paddle steamers, steamers, etc. that were deemed no longer viable and therefore stripped, towed out to sea – blown up & sunk unto their watery graves . . . One must remember that during Australia’s first years of European occupation, sailing ships and the horse & cart were the only forms of transport – shipping by far the most speedy & efficient. Wind, sail – then a little later steam transported people and their cargoes around the World. Many a ship would flounder in mountainous seas at the mercy of Mother Nature, whilst others were greedily overloaded & overcrowded – often devastated with disease due to the unsanitary, crowded conditions where water & food were a luxury – this applied to migrants as much as the convicts !! There are numerous forgotten tales associated with these shipping disasters which POI Australia is progressively recapturing – noting that many interesting historical facts, persons of interest, incidents, etc. are further displayed in the numerous historical timelines exhibited in the Chronicles of Aus, which are an ever growing graphical depiction of the Evolution of Australia, its states & territories, etc. into the country that we know today . . .
Site | Shipwreck is a Sub Category of Historical.