All Historical in Welshpool
The following is a comprehensive list of Historical Things to See & Points of Interest available to the Public for their Enjoyment, Interest, Exploration, Research, Knowledge & Appreciation, noting that where are number of categories or time-frames are relevant, the first function &/or moment in time will be allocated to the heading and the default category. The Category of Historical incorporates Monuments, Memorials, Ruins, Artifacts, Plaques, Historic Sites, etc. – many of which are linked to the historical timelines of the Chronicles of Aus, which graphically depict the Evolution of Australia, its state & territories, into the country that we know today . . .
Sub Categories Include: Historical POI’s – Pre 1770, Historical POI’s 1770-1800, Historical POI’s 1801-1820, Historical POI’s 1821-1840, Historical POI’s 1841-1860, Historical POI’s 1861-1880, Historical POI’s 1881-1900, Historical POI’s 1901-1920, Historical POI’s 1921-1940, Historical POI’s 1941-1960, Historical POI’s 1961-1980, Historical POI’s Post 1980