All Education | Child Care in East Launceston

The following is a comprehensive list of Education | Child Care services available to the Public, Business, Industry & Organisations to support their Education, Development, Skills, Interest & Knowledge. The Category of Education | Child Care incorporates the specialised organisations primarily providing educational learning, teaching, and nurturing services for babies, infants, children, teenagers, adults and seniors including, but not limited to, Nursery Schools, Child Care, Kindergartens, Pre-Schools, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Tertiary Colleges, Universities, Adult Learning, Short Courses, Further Education, Industry Schools & Courses, Specialised Tutor & Support Education, etc.
Sub Categories Include: Child Care, Further Education, Pre-School / Kindergarten & School.

East Launceston Primary School – Mary St, East Launceston, TAS

Launceston Church Grammar School – Lyttleton St, East Launceston, TAS